Ravensbrück was the largest concentration camp for women on German soil. From 1939 until liberation in April 1946, 132,000 women and children, 20,000 men and 1,000 young women, from 40 nations were registered as prisoners. Tens of thousands were murdered, died of hunger and disease or were killed in medical experiments.
A memorial site was erected here in 1959, with a visitor center opened in 2007.

Information and wayfinding for visitors
As part of the plans by architects Wandel Hoefer Lorch + Hirsch for this visitor center, unit-design redesigned all information media for the Ravensbrück Memorial site. The printed material and information pylons guide visitors from all over the world through the new building and on their tours of the memorial site.

Sensitive design
The task of developing a design language that formed an association with the special significance of the location presented a particular challenge. Contrasting a functionally reserved basic design with sensitively presented details and material features, a visual identity was created that was appropriate for the location without appearing too superficially "designed".